Bank Jobs in Bank BNI Mey 2010 (EDP)

Established since 1946, formerly known as the BNI Bank Negara Indonesia, is the first bank, founded and owned by the Indonesian Government.

Bank Negara Indonesia began to circulate the first official payment instrument issued by the Government of Indonesia such as the ORI or Oeang Republic of Indonesia, on the eve of the date of October 30, 1946, just a few months since its founding. Until now, that date is celebrated as the National Audit Day, while the day of establishment which falls on July 5, defined as a Day of National Bank.

Following the appointment of De Javsche Bank which is a legacy from the Dutch Government as the Central Bank in 1949, the Government limit the role of Bank Negara Indonesia as a circulation bank or central bank. Bank Negara Indonesia and designated as a development bank, and then granted the right to act as a foreign exchange bank, with direct access to foreign transactions.

Due to additional capital in 1955, the status of Bank Negara Indonesia turned into government-owned commercial banks. These changes underlie better service and a lever for the national business sector.

strives to provide the best services for the country and to ultimately become the Pride of the Nation, today and always.

Officer Development Program (ODP)

Bachelor Degree
  • * From a reputable university (local / overseas) majoring in Economics, Engineering, Mathematical & Statistical Science, Computer Science, Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Plantation, Animal Husbandry and Business Administration
  • * Minimum GPA 2,75 (PTN) and 3,00 (PTS) scale 4
  • * Maximum age 26 years old
  • * Fluent in both spoken and written English
  • * Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage

Master Degree
  • * From a reputable university (local/overseas) majoring in Finance / Accounting or Engineering
  • * Minimum GPA 3,25 (scale 4)
  • * Maximum age 28 years old
  • * Fluent in both spoken and written English
  • * Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage

Send your application not later than May 14th, 2010 to:

Career Development & Affairs IPB
Andi Hakim Nasoetion Building, Floor 1st
IPB’s Campus, Darmaga,Bogor 16680

In Campus Recruitment will be held on:
  • * May 20th, 2010 in Auditorium Andi Hakim Nasoetion
  • * May 22nd, 2010 in Auditorium Sastra Kusumah FPIK
  • * May 23th, 2010 in Auditorium Sastra Kusumah FPIK

Should you need complete information please refer to our website at following link.

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