Peluang dalam Pertamina sangat lebar karena kami beroperasi seperti set beragam bisnis: Eksplorasi & Produksi, Refining, Distribusi Pemasaran produk, dan panas bumi. Upaya karyawan kami, di setiap tingkat, memberikan kontribusi setiap hari untuk transformasi perusahaan dan pencapaian tujuan strategis kami. Pertamina, kami berinvestasi di masa depan kita dengan cara berinvestasi pada Anda. Kami berinvestasi lebih daripada sebelumnya dalam budidaya talenta muda, pemimpin masa depan, dengan tugas kemudi Pertamina melalui tantangan di depan. Kami juga berkomitmen untuk lanjutan penelitian dan pengembangan, didorong oleh teknologi mutakhir.
Sebuah unsur penting dalam transformasi adalah perubahan dalam budaya kita. Kami berkomitmen untuk terus mengembangkan budaya yang berfokus pada kinerja. Kami memberi Anda kesempatan yang sama untuk mengembangkan ide-ide, kreativitas, dan inovasi. Kami memberi Anda kesempatan untuk melepaskan potensi Anda. Kami yakin bahwa Anda dapat memberikan kinerja terbaik untuk perusahaan.
Graduate Professional Guidance /Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS)
- You will follow a comprehensive education program in the Graduate Professional Guidance program, where there will be a combination of education in the classroom and OJT (Internship Program). CPM Program was established to provide potential candidates to become future leaders in science and prepare for training directly related to the company's core business processes.
- Studying the dynamics of the activities of the company's overall business, make observations and analysis of field conditions.
- Implement improvement of processes and development of tools that can accelerate and streamline business processes.
- Terms
- Education Strata 1 (S1) from Accredited Universities, majoring in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Accounting, Financial Management, Marketing Management, and Law.
- GPA min. 3.00 (scale of 4)
- Age max. 25 years
- Have ability to speak Indonesian and English language both actively spoken and written
- Active in the organization
- Willing to be placed in all business units Pertamina
PT Pertamina (Persero) only invite the best applicants to attend the selection. The decision to call the applicants and determining the selection of a right of PT Pertamina (Persero), and can not be contested. In the selection process, PT Pertamina (Persero) does not serve the correspondence and not allowed to charge (be careful with fraud).
If you are interested please add a resume through the link here.
tag: informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, lowongan di Pertamina, update lowongan kerja terkini, lowongan kerja S1 , info lowongan bimbingan profesi sarjana , lowongan kerja pebruari 2010, job vacancies,advertise job vacancies
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