Jobs Vacancy BUMN In Perum Pegadaian Pebruary 2010

Perum Pegadaian invite the sons and daughters of Indonesia's best quality, commitment, integrity and high morality, and able to work hard to join as Permanent Employees in positions Traffic / Branch Management Services Unit (UPC) which will be placed in the working area office of Balikpapan (Borneo Island) , Office of Manado (North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi, North Maluku, Papua) and the Office of Makassar (South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and Maluku). Criteria must be met are as follows:

Applicants General Provisions :
  • Applicants are citizens of the Republic of Indonesia (WNI), preferably the son of the local area;
  • Age is the birth of 1985 applicants for D3 max, and max for the 1983 birth of S1;
  • Pendidikan D3 applicants with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 4 on a scale of 3:00, while applicants with education S1 with minimum GPA of 2.75 on a scale of 4;
  • Applicants S1, S2 and so on rank and position or grade D3 synchronized with the needs of the Perum Pegadaian but possessed a certificate can be taken into consideration for the level of priority status and further career;
  • Preferably sex male;
  • Minimum height 160 cm with proportional weight;
  • Experience in attractive, energetic and friendly;
  • Studies Program received: Economic Studies graduate program (Management, Accounting, Economics), Ekonomi Syariah, Banking, Psychology, Computer, Law, Business Administration, Communication, Business Management;
  • Preferably a minimum of B-accredited majors (according to the accreditation BAN-PT);
  • Preferably with working experience of reference Customer Service / Customer Service, cashier, stewardess / flight attendant, Administration Office;
  • Preferably have the ability to operate Computer Office applications;
  • Not able to get married and not married for 1 year since appointed as the Permanent Employees Perum Pegadaian;
  • Healthy Physical, Spiritual, free from the use of Drugs and Psychotropic Drugs, and not Color Blind.

Administrative Requirements and Application Procedure :
  • Applicants making an application letter accompanied by CVs addressed to the President Director of Perum Pegadaian Region V cq leader in Balikpapan Perum Pegadaian or leader Perum Pegadaian Area VI in Manado or Perum VII Area Leaders Pawnshop in Makassar (based on residence and domicile applicants);
  • Latest Photograph size 4 X 6 sebanyak 3 postcard size pieces and entire body as much as 2 sheets;
  • Copy of valid ID card as much as 1 sheet;
  • Copy of Birth Certificate / Birth Certificate as many as 1 sheet;
  • Copy of the legalized certificate (to be legalized by Kopertis PTS) with legalization dated January 1, 2010 or later (graduation letter is not allowed);
  • Copy of Transcripts of Academic Values are legalized (for legalized by Kopertis PTS) with legalization dated January 1, 2010 or thereafter;
  • Copy of certificate of computer skills and / or achievements in the field of sports, art and culture owned (preferable);
  • Reference / letter of work experience (preferable in accordance with the Pawnshop business);
  • Original Certificate Single (at least from the local Sub-District);
  • Original Certificate Good Behavior (SKKB) / Police Notes Certificate (SKCK) of valid Police or photocopies that have been legalized and is still valid;
  • Make a statement stamped Rp.6.000, - attached to the applicant's documents (affidavit format can be downloaded at the link below this announcement), which states: Willing to comply with all provisions of recruitment. If, after a whole passed the selection process proved to provide information that is untrue or not in accordance with the administrative requirements specified by the Perum Pegadaian, so willing to cancel their graduation as a Permanent Employee Perum Pegadaian processed and prepared in accordance with applicable law; Will not married for 1 year since appointed as the Permanent Employees Perum Pegadaian; Willing to be placed in all territories of the Republic of Indonesia; Willing to be accepted as the rank of Permanent Employees / grade in accordance with the provisions of D3 graduate equivalent qualifications based on rules and regulations applicable in Perum Pegadaian; Willing to comply with the rules and regulations applicable in Perum Pegadaian; Willing to change the costs already incurred during the selection process if the applicant has passed the final stage of selection and withdrew unilaterally; Willing to go to where the placement on the job training at their own expense; Willing to bear the cost of transportation and accommodation during the selection process of the residence (domicile) participants / applicants to the selection location (location selection in Balikpapan, Manado, Makassar and Jayapura);
  • Application documents complete with attachments included in the brown envelope and sent through the targeted PO.BOX had received no later than at PO.BOX on February 11, 2010;
  • Only applicants who qualify and complete the called / announced to follow the next stage of selection;
  • All who enter the applicant's documents belonging Perum Pegadaian and can not be drawn / taken back under any circumstances;
  • Applicants who submit applications before the posting of these recruits if still interested, so the ability to apply again according to the terms and conditions of this recruitment,
  • Applicants to submit 1 (one) only to the applicant's documents that have been determined PO.BOX;
  • Stages of the selection process important to note by the applicants: Acceptance of applications through PO.BOX opened since the announcement on the website contain and mass media determined to be received no later than the PO.BOX On February 11, 2010; The announcement applicants who passed the administrative selection eligible for selection for interview On February 15, 2010 at the Pawnshop website. Selection Interview date 17 to 18 February 2010; Announcement of selection interviews On February 19, 2010; o is written General Aptitude Selection Test (GAT) and English On February 21, 2010, test results directly evaluated by using a computer and announced on the afternoon / evening through the website Pawnshop. Selection Psikotes On February 22, 2010 for those who passed the written selection, the participants passed the psycho Announcement Date March 5, 2010; health tests carried out by the doctor appointed by the Government of Perum Pegadaian and its implementation on Date 8 to 11 March 2010; Announcement of participants passed the medical test On March 19, 2010; The participants passed the following further medical tests Stages On The Job Training (OJT) which includes Induction, Training and Youth Traffic Work Practice in Branch Offices; Induction Date executed 22 to 26 March 2010; Work Practice in Branch held 29 March to 22 May 2010; Training the Young planned traffic carried in the middle of Work Practices, which is expected to start 5 April 2010 until the end (5 weeks); Participants who passed the On The Job Training was appointed as Permanent Employees as of June 1, 2010.
  • Address applications to be addressed Dear. Director Perum Pegadaian c.q. Regional leaders PO.BOX V Balikpapan Mining BALIKPAPAN 42,324 or Designation. Director Perum Pegadaian c.q. Regional leaders Pawnshop VI PO.BOX Manado 6000 MANADO or Designation. Director Perum Pegadaian c.q. Regional leaders Pawnshop VI Makassar PO.BOX 90,000 MKS PEGADAIAN 7000. Application destination address according to the provincial residence and domicile of participants, please see the opening of this announcement (participant / applicant must include a middle city / district participants domicile of origin at the upper right corner of the envelope applications);
  • The decision is final graduation and absolute inviolability, and held no correspondence;
  • Participants who passed the Permanent Employees must sign a service agreement bond.
  • Only applicants who qualify with the best and fastest criteria to apply to be called in the selection. PERUM Pawnshops are state-owned enterprises implement Good Corporate Governance (GCG). During the selection process was not charged a fee and not held any questions and answers.

To download the Declaration Form and read the official info please use the link below.

Link Downloads Application Perum Pegadaian Here

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